This study examines the classroom management (CM) strategies applied by elementary school teachers in their inclusive classrooms. The study group comprised 14 primary school teachers, one student with special needs (SN) from the classroom of each teacher and an average student (AS) paired with the student with SN in terms of gender and age. Study data were collected using two observation forms, and a self-report instrument that the teachers used to evaluate their CM strategies. According to the study findings, the teachers scored highly in some evidence-based and proactive strategies, such as classroom organization, the use of reinforcements and giving directions, but recorded the lowest scores in identifying and teaching classroom rules, individualizing instructions, and using appropriate prompts. The teachers rated their classroom management as super, although an evaluation of all the findings revealed that teachers did not use some of the classroom management strategies that they claimed to use.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v8i3.4319
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