Betty Mulavi, Franciscah Irangi Wamocho, Molly Ogalloh


The paper reports some of the key findings of a study that explored the effects of adaptive computer use on the mathematics performance of students with cerebral palsy in Joytown Special Secondary School for the Physically Handicapped in Kiambu County, Kenya. In the study, a quasi-experimental design was adopted utilizing a sample size of 32 students with cerebral palsy. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the sample size. The research study applied Amabile and Kramer’s progress theory and the primary data collection methods were classroom observation checklists, interview guides and pre-test and post-test. The research data was analyzed using SPSS version 22 and primary data analyzed per the study objectives. The findings on the impacts of adapted computer use on mathematics performance of students with cerebral palsy are reported. The study findings demonstrated that adapted computer use increases the academic independence and performance of students. This confirms that the integration of assistive technology in mathematics learning can be a compensatory tool for children with cerebral palsy despite the motor and communication dysfunctions resulting from their disabling condition. On the basis of the study findings, recommendations are provided.


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assistive technology, adapted computer use, mathematics performance, students with cerebral palsy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v8i3.4343

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