Hasan Hüseyin Yıldırım, Ahmet Yıkmış


The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the concrete-representational-abstract instruction strategies employed in the direct instruction of fractions to students with learning disabilities. Furthermore, the generalization of the instruction to different settings and tools, the follow-up data for one and three weeks after the instruction, and the social validity data based on the views of the mothers on concrete-representational-abstract instruction strategies were analyzed. In the study, the inter-behavioral multiple probe model with a probe stage, a single-subject research model, was employed. The dependent variable was the level of identification of proper, half and quarter fractions by the participating students in the study, while the independent variable was the concrete-representational-abstract introduction strategies implemented with the direct instruction method. The study was conducted with three male students with learning disabilities, who resided in Izmir and attended an inclusive primary school. The study findings demonstrated that the concrete-representational-abstract instruction strategies were effective in the instruction of proper, half and quarter fractions to the students with learning disabilities, these skills acquired by the students could be permanent for one to three weeks after the instruction, and all students could generalize these skills to various settings and instruments, and the views of the mothers on concrete-representational-abstract instruction strategies were positive.


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instruction of fractions, mathematics instruction, concrete-representational-abstract instruction strategies, students with learning disabilities

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