Adagi Betty Savaco, Gladwell Wambiri


The purpose of the study was to establish the teachers’ perception on the influence of Tusome instructional intervention strategies on reading levels in public primary schools in central zone, Kilifi North Sub-County, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive design to carry out the study. A pilot study was conducted in two schools. The sample size comprised 60 grade two children, 18 teachers, 5 headteachers, ICSO and 1 sub-county director of education. Data collection techniques involved the use of observations and questionnaires to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The collected data obtained from observations and respondents were grouped together, coded, transformed and analyzed through the use of Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS) software version 21. Then the analyzed data was presented in form of frequencies and percentages while figures and tables will be used to present the result where necessary. The findings revealed that teaching strategies have an influence on the implementation of Tusome in lower primary schools. Pupil’s textbooks, teacher’s guides and storybooks were adequately provided. There were no other ICT resources provided for the learners. It was concluded that indeed, the Tusome literacy intervention program was strongly related to the improved learner achievement in other tasks that require reading, in the improvement of the overall learner achievement at grade 2. The ANOVA statistics were used to test the fitness of the regression model. The significance F value of 47.345 (p<0.001) was obtained implying that the regression model was fit and statistically significant and can be deemed fit for prediction. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education implements literacy interventions as a means of improving learner achievement in other subjects. The instructional support included should take into consideration the scope (number of teachers supported), as well as the logistics of reaching schools, teachers and head teachers.


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grade two, instructional intervention, reading literacy, Tusome programme; teachers’ perceptions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v9i2.4756

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