Nelima Beatrice Silomelo, Irangi Franciscah Wamocho, Beatrice Bunyasi Awori


This study purposely sought to investigate resources used in the provision of services to adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders.  The study adopted a case study design targeting 250 rehabilitees, 30 rehabilitators, and 1 manager. The study used a lottery method to select a sample size of 50% of the target population. The study sample comprised 125 rehabilitees, 15 rehabilitators, and 1 manager making a total of 141 respondents. The semi-structured interview guide for the manager, questionnaires for both rehabilitators and rehabilitees, and observation checklist for resources were used as research instruments. Piloting of the instruments was done at the Shikusa rehabilitation centre. A case study research methodology was used in the study. Data from objectives were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Descriptive statistics for example frequency tables and percentages sum up information measurably from the closed-ended items. The analysed information was introduced utilizing frequency tables, structured presentations, pie charts, and graphs while qualitative data from the manager's semi-structured interview schedule was summarized thematically and narrated in words. The findings indicated that the main material resources available were playing fields, workshops, dormitories, building and construction tools, carpentry tools, classrooms, poultry apparatus, and teaching and learning materials. The study recommends that service providers at the centre need to help the adolescents to achieve a greater sense of independence, and personal responsibility, setting goals, making choices, and understanding their responsibilities which would enhance their self-determination. There is a need for the government to implement strict measures that would ensure that juvenile acts are monitored and youths are protected from any harm. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development should come up with guidelines on effective ways of managing learners with behaviour disorders while they are still in the childhood stage.


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resources, provision of services, adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders

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