Moses Chisala, Daniel Ndhlovu, Joseph M. Mandyata


Bullying is a destructive social problem in schools that needs attention. Schools have the responsibility to create a safe place where students can learn without fear of being bullied. The purpose of the study was to explore child protection measures against bullying in selected special education schools in Luapula province. This study was guided by a Constructivist Paradigm, in keeping with the research paradigm, a qualitative intrinsic case study design was employed because the case study outcomes were intended to tell the researcher something that is solely about the case itself. In this case, the child with disability and special education school was of primary interest in the study. The sample size comprised of 38 participants consisting of 2 head teachers, 12 teachers, 12 parents and 12 learners from the two selected special education schools. Purposive critical case sampling was used to select head teachers, expert sampling was used on teachers and criterion sampling was used to select learners and parents. Data from head teachers and teachers were collected using a semi-structured interview guide and focus group discussions guide (FGD) were used on learners and parents. Data were analysed by thematic analysis. The study revealed that children with disabilities were protected from bullying in special education schools using the 3R’s (Recognizing, Responding and Reporting) bullying prevention strategies for learners with special educational needs. The findings established that Recognizing bullying prevention strategies included recognizing the statistics or acts of bullying in the school, recognizing the warning signs of victims and stereotypes of bullies and routine checking to stop harassment and bullying acts. The study also revealed that Responding bullying prevention strategies included holding meetings that reinforce positive behaviour expectations, providing guidance and counselling on how to respond to bullying, punishing learners using discriminatory language or derogatory remarks, formulation of anti-bullying programs, formation of support groups to sensitize learners, training staff members on how to recognizing incidents of bullying and teach anti-bullying social skills. Other strategies identified include the Reporting bullying prevention strategies which included reporting all forms of ill-treatment, reporting bullying incidence in school settings, reporting any form of harassment, and bullying acts. These bullying prevention strategies enabled the teachers in the school to protect learners with disabilities in schools. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the school should be on the lookout for incidences of bullying, respond to bullying quickly and effectively and document and report all actions taken when recognizing and responding to bullying.


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