Maria Drossinou Korea


The paper discusses delinquent behaviours on the basis of violent reality after covid lockdown, in the field of special education and training [SET] using the pedagogical principles of Targeted, Individual Structured Integration Interventions of Special Education and Training (TISIPIf [SET]). The psychodynamic pedagogical approach refers to the violence of emotions that overwhelm the thought when the person experiences "intense mental pain". Violence can be the result of an amount of stimulation that the person is unable to process mentally. This violent reality is often dormant and obscured by superficial reflections of family and school cultures. Thus, in the analysis of delinquent behaviours we can repeatedly be misled by the seemingly non-dysfunctional of the person when he encounters emotional difficulties. As psychodynamic theorists claim, prenatal experiences that were never recorded intellectually serve as a model for overwhelming, incomprehensible, and irrecoverable experiences. These can be condensed into a repressed and blind unconscious. The field of special education is often called upon to deal with people who have experienced such an unprecedented emotional experience and exhibit violent delinquent behaviours. Some of the people who resort to special educational services manifest violent emotional discharges, either outwardly through physical violence, riveting perversions, obsessions and addictions, or through abusive contacts with the body and others. The field of special education through education tries to activate the perceptual mind in order for people with delinquent behaviours to become aware of an unacceptable violent emotional reality. The informal pedagogical recordings with heteroobservations illustrate the difficulty of special pedagogists to understand the violent emotions behind the child and juvenile delinquency. It is noted that special educators choose to remain "emotionally uninvolved" in front of this painful mental reality expressed in emotional difficulties and delinquent behaviours.


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pedagogical principles, special education and training [SET], delinquent behaviours

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