Autistic teens have an interest in the fulfillment of sexuality on others, but the style of expression of reviews their sexuality is often naive, immature and not in keeping with his age. As for the purpose of this research is to gain an overview, find a models of learning, and evaluate to what extent the effectiveness of the learning models, so it is expected to be a new solution to an autistic teenager in particular learning models. The method of research is research research development (R & D) models and develop learning materials that already exist with a learning models using the method of Sexual Behavior with Socio engineering research in principle in accordance with the method of the Research & Development Model. Results of psychologically, the criteria set by the researcher then qualified subjects totaled 18 people consisting of 13 people-sex men and 5 women-sex people. Through random assignment then John Matheson 9 people as a group of 9 people and experiments as a control group. Then the teens have a tendency to try something he finds fun. Similarly, with the development of his sexuality, teens usually do the experiment as a form of realization of his identity search. Therefore, this research to develop existing teaching methods with the socio models of Sexual Behavior that consists of several stages and in their implementation stages with the criteria of the results can be explained in the methods of analysis of data used is the Sexual Behavior of the socio models by using test Mann Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon test for comparing the subject's score on the pretest and posttest than the control group and experimental. The results show that the second group of experimental psycho-education on effective parent to improve knowledge of sexuality in teenagers mild mental retardation Mann Whitney U (p = 0.024) Test and Wilcoxon test (p = 0.012).
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