Tatiana de Cassia Nakano, Ricardo Primi


This study examined the professional interests of gifted students in comparison with those of non-gifted students. The effects of grade and sex variables were also examined. The academic giftedness group consisted of students in the 5th grade (n = 2,233), 9th grade (n = 3,373), and 11th grade (n = 3,515), 50.8% female, between the ages of 9 and 21 (M = 14.67; SD = 2.59). A control group (non-gifted) was selected as a random sample matched with school grades and sex. Based on Holland's model of professional interests, the sample completed the 18REST, a short interest measure. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed that group (p = 0,008), gender (p = 0,002) and grade (p = 0,001) were significant. Women generally showed a greater interest in social and artistic activities than men. A more realistic interest was presented by men. Social interest tends to be more common in both groups as a first choice, with SI -social investigative - being the most common code.


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Holland model; career choice; gender

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