Kok Hwee Chia, Boon Hock Lim


This paper provides a brief background on the Lesson Study approach and its variant forms such as Modified Lesson Study, Learning Study and Virtual Experiential Learning Study. In addition, the authors have included a brief discussion about information and communication technology (ICT) and its impact in both education and professional training that has given rise to the development of the Quasi-Lesson Study (QLS). The main ICT contribution highlighted in this paper is the YouTube video-sharing service that can be used in the training of teachers and/or allied educators in both mainstream and special schools as well as educational therapists working in private learning centers/remedial learning clinics in Singapore and Malaysia today. YouTube sharing is used at various phases in the QLS cycle to help a teacher, allied educator or educational therapist become better equipped with not only the know-what (i.e., content knowledge and skills), but also the know-how (i.e., techniques and strategies) when working with students with special needs. How YouTubeTM sharing can help in overcoming the constraints of coordinating a lesson observation and other challenges in traditional Lesson Study, such as the awkwardness of being observed, is also discussed. More professional training ideas may thus spin off from the QLS concept, as others may be inspired to transcend the limits of traditional Lesson Study through the QLS approach.  


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Quasi-Lesson Study, QLS cycle, special needs, video sharing, YoutubeTM


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