Whening Dyah Triarini, I. Nyoman Sudana Degeng, Moch. Efendi, A. J. E. Toenlioe


Hearing-impaired individual experiences a great obstacle in their hearing system. One characteristic of hearing-impaired people is regarding the inability to receive the information verbally. Thus, the information which comes to them should be transferred to the front of them. In addition, hearing-impaired people tend to receive the information through visual, tactile, a kinaesthetic approach. This study aims at examining the improvement of reading ability of hearing-impaired students using multimedia learning. This study employed single subject research approach using multielement-design. The subject of this study was five hearing-impaired students. This study was conducted in 19 meetings and consisted of baseline and intervention stages, by imposing 100 vocabularies. The results of this study showed that (1) the use of three-dimensional learning media improves the reading ability of the subject. (2) The use of two-dimensional learning media improves the reading ability of the subject. (3) The use of word guessing animation improves the reading ability of the subject. (4) The use of multimedia learning in the form of artificial and original object, three-dimensional media, and word cards and word guessing animation improves the reading ability of the five subject tested.


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learning media, basic reading, hearing-impaired students


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