Adwan Mezyed A. Sa’d


This recent study has aimed at identifying the special educational services available in Jordan governorate during the period between 2015 and 2016. The study involved data collection related to the services available in 294 special education centers in all Jordan governorates which are divided in 14 provinces areas. To achieve the purpose of this study a special tool was built by the researcher and a group of experts in order to judge the answer of individuals from different specialized areas in the field of special education in Jordan Kingdom. Data were obtained from the web site of the Higher Council for Individual with Disabilities in Jordan (HCD, 2016); also, a group of students in my college had interviewed the principals of these special education institutions. Data were analysized by using SPSS (Version 21). Results indicated that some severe physical therapy is present in all governorates but speech and language therapy is not available in Al tafeelah governorate. However support service and integration is present in all governorates except Madaba governorate. Finally, the study confirms that there is a shortage in special education in most of the Jordanian governorates. Furthermore, this type of service is needed to be studied in details. This study is not enough. The type of all program included in the service should be yet explored and evaluated. Results indicated that there was significant correlation between disability and the service available in Balqa, Amman which means that the services provided meet the needs of the disability of Population (P<0.05). Also, results indicate that there was correlation between governorate and institutionalization. Though, Amman governorate provides the highest level of institutionalization services. And there was marginal significant correlation between the governorate and the early intervention services (p = 0.058). Also, there was significant correlation between governorate and physiotherapy services. Though, Amman has the highest indicators. Support service was significant in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Mafraq, Balqa. In general, there was a significant correlation between service provided by special education centers and the type of disability.


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special education service, disability, Jordan


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.870

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