Basak Baglama, Ahmet Yikmis, Mukaddes Sakalli Demirok


Individuals with special needs require support in acquiring various academic and social skills and mathematical skills are one of the most important skills in which individuals with special needs need to acquire in order to maintain their daily lives. Current approaches in education emphasize the importance of integrating technology into special education classrooms in order to increase achievement and facilitate learning and various technological tools are used in teaching mathematics to individuals with special needs. Therefore, special education teachers need to be competent in using technology in teaching mathematics and aim of this study is to determine the views and recommendations of special education teachers on technology use in teaching mathematics to students with special needs. Qualitative research method was used in the study. A total number of 15 special education teachers working at special education institutions in North Cyprus participated in the study. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers was used to collect the data. Data of the study were analyzed using content analysis method through constituting themes based on the answers of special education teachers. According to the results, special education teachers think that they are competent in using technology in teaching mathematics. Results are provided and discussed with reference to relevant literature. Finally, implications for special education practices and recommendations for further research are also presented.  


mathematics, technology, special education teachers, views, recommendations


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.936

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