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Giazitzidou, Sophia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Gkouvousi, Stella, Department of Sports Organization & Management, Faculty of Human Movement and Quality of Life Science, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Gogaki, Ilianna, Med, PhD Candidate, University of the Aegean, Greece
Greco, Gianpiero, orcid.org/0000-0002-5023-3721 PhD, Sport & Exercise Scientist, Independent Researcher, Milan, Italy
Grouios, George, Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Grouios, George, Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Guarinello, Ana Cristina, Professor in the Master and PhD, Program in Communication Disorders, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP), Curitiba (PR), Brazil
Gumro, Menia, Post Graduate, Dr., Department of Pediatrics and Preventive Dentistry, Kanti Devi Dental College and Hospital, Uttar Pradesh, India
Gunarhadi, G., Master of Special Education Program, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Gunarhadi, G., Magister of Special Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Gunarhadi, G., Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Gunarhadi, G., Postgraduate of Special Education Program, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta Indonesia
Gunarhadi, G., Department of Special Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Gunarhadi, G., Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Gunawardana, Tharushi, SLIIT Business School, New Kandy Road, Malabe, 10115, Sri Lanka
Gunnardi, G., Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Gupta, Sonal, Dr., Head of the Department, Department of Pediatrics and Preventive Dentistry, Kanti Devi Dental College and Hospital, Uttar Pradesh, India
Gupta, Sonal, Head of the Department, Dr., Department of Pediatrics and Preventive Dentistry, Kanti Devi Dental College and Hospital, Uttar Pradesh, India
Guvener, Elif, Master Student, KTO Karatay University, Child Development Department, Turkey
Hırça, Necati, Department of Science Education, Bartın University, Bartin, Turkey
Haider, Fizza, Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Hamid Osman, Khaled Abd El, Ass. Prof., Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Egypt
Hariani, Ria, Professional Psychology Masters Study Program (PSMPP), Persada Indonesia University YAI Jakarta, Indonesia
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