The aim of this study is to determine the general competence perceptions aimed at assessment and evaluation of teacher candidates in terms of the program they participate in. The research is designed according to the survey model. The sample of the study consisted of 419 students selected through random sampling among the students having education in Kafkas University Faculty of Education and Karadeniz Technical University Fatih Faculty of Education in 2016-2017 academic period. In the study, “Assessment and Evaluation General Competence Perception Scale for Teacher Candidates” developed by Nartgün (2008) was used as the data collection tool. The scale has three dimensions. The dimensions of the scale have been named as “basic concepts”, “assessment techniques” and “statistical analysis and reporting”. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that there was a significant difference in the perception of competence to analyze and report statistics related to assessment and evaluation in terms of the program of the students. There was no significant difference in the competence perceptions of the students regarding assessment techniques and the basic concepts of assessment and evaluation in terms of the program they were in. While the Pre-school Teaching students had the highest average level of competency perceptions for the basic concepts of the scale, the students of Social Studies Teaching had the lowest average. Students in Turkish Teaching program had the highest average level of competency perceptions in terms of assessment techniques. On the other hand, the students in Classroom Teaching program had the lowest average.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v0i0.1896
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