This research is aimed to develop a lesson plan instrument with a POGIL model on validity and practical. The research method used is Tesmer model which covers: 1) self evaluation; 2) expert review; 3) one-to-one; 4) small group; and 5) field test. The lesson plan instrument covers the syllaby, lesson plans, materials, students workbook, observation sheet cognitive, observation sheet critical thinking skills, observation sheet activities of teachers and students, observation sheet response of participants, observation sheet self regulation, and observation sheet psychomotor skills. The research in SMPN 2 Alalak. The results of the study show that: 1) the validity of lesson plan instrument based on experts is category as very valid, the level of readability of the module and students workbook is category as good; 2) the practicality of learning devices based on the implementation of lesson plans instrument is very good.
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