Elif Akar, Hasan Genç


The aim of this research is to determine the level of information and awareness for the environment of teachers who are working in the schools in Gonen district of Isparta. The study group of the research consists of 16 volunteer teachers, 6 science sciences and 10 classroom teachers, who work in the schools in Gonen district of Isparta. As a research model, a descriptive research method was used from qualitative research methods. The research uses a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher as a data collection tool. The semi-structured interview form contains a total of 9 questions. Descriptive analysis and content analysis were used to analyze data from the semi-structured interview form applied in the research. According to the research findings, teachers have no deep knowledge of the diversity of environmental pollution. It is seen that teachers are emphasizing physical and environmental pollution that they create superficially when talking about the presence of factories in the region. It was concluded that the source of livelihood was on agricultural activity and that the agricultural drugs used reduced the soil efficiency. To preserve the natural structure in the region, the village and the city can be conscious of students and teachers. Plans and projects can be designed under a heading to reduce environmental pollution. Social activities related to the environment can be organized to promote the natural beauty of the region.


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environment, environmental pollution, science teachers, teacher's opinion

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v8i1.4687


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