M. A. Onafowope, E. J. Egwunyenga, V. G. Oweikpodor


This study examined the administrative strategies to enhance teachers’ commitment in Delta State public and private secondary schools. Four research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. A descriptive method of ex-post facto research design was adopted with a sample size of 414 public and 620 registered private secondary schools in the 25 Local Government Areas. A validated and reliable questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while independent samples t-test was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed amongst others that available administrative strategies to enhance teachers’ commitment include, monitoring teachers’ activities, maintaining a proper channel of communication, use of committee system in schools, performance appraisal of teachers, teachers’ participation in decision making, the delegation of duties, regular staff meeting and motivation of teachers. The study also revealed that there is no significant difference between principals of public and private secondary schools on the available administrative strategies used to enhance teachers’ commitment in Delta State; that there no significant difference between public and private secondary school principals on administrative strategies commonly used to enhance teachers’ commitment in Delta State secondary schools; that there no significant difference between public and private school principals on preferred administrative strategies more positively inclined to enhance teachers’ commitment in Delta State secondary schools; and that there was no significant difference between public and private school principals on suggested administrative strategies to enhance teachers’ commitment in Delta State secondary schools. The study recommended that School principals should create an environment that will enhance collaborative practice. When a conducive environment is created in the school and collaborative practice is encouraged teachers will be committed to their job.


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administrative strategies; teachers’ commitment; public secondary schools; private secondary schools

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