Taking Personnel to Government departments via Public Personnel Selection Exam was first done in 1999. Ministry of Education used this exam results in any of the Teacher Assignments. In the year 2013, as it is thought that this exam was not sufficient for Teacher Selection, another exam which measures Teaching Field Knowledge for some branches was conducted. But the Physical Education graduates have to enter only the Public Personnel Selection Exam. This study is to find out the thoughts of the Physical Education graduates about the Public Personnel Selection Exam. In the research, The views of Physical Education Teacher graduates on Public Personnel Selection Exam, whether Teaching Field Knowledge questions should be asked or not, the views of teachers’ on these assignment style, views on this job for their future, in which field they see themselves successful, what kind of problems they face while getting ready for this exam and what their advices are for this exam were tried to be answered. Open-ended questions were asked to the candidates in this research. Interview method, which is one of the qualitative methods, was used for 50 candidates who have graduated from different universities. At the end of the research it was found that most of the Physical Education teacher candidates were opposed to Public Personnel Selection Exam because it was not adequate to designate and assign the teachers, the preparing phase for the exam was creating anxiety and fear, the exam was creating a negative point of view about teaching profession and it was not able to contribute a lot to the profession. In addition, as a result it was reached that teacher candidates were expressing their ideas as there should be field information exams besides Public Personnel Selection Exam also for physical education teacher candidate’s assignments like other branch teachers assignments.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1038
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