As is known, reading is a skill the individual faces throughout his/her life. Reading, which is also one of the four basic language skills, allows an individual to establish a connection with life. So that, self-improvement of the individual, the process of understanding and interpreting what is happening around him/her, expressing himself/herself and communicating with others, achieving success in education process, and living-conveying the culture earn success with correct acquisition and continuity of this skill. Individuals, who read and define themselves and their environment correctly, succeed also in understanding and transferring process of cultural structures. Each individual adopts the culture and value structure of the society where he/she lives. For this reason, it is important for individuals to understand some local and universal values correctly and to exhibit correct behaviors in this process. To do this, education about some value concepts are given to the secondary school students by the National Education. The population of the study consisted of 7th-grade students studying in two secondary schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. While one group was the experimental group, the other one was the control group. While a values education supported with reading materials was given in one of these schools, a values education without any intervention of the teacher in the process was given at the other school. At the end of the specified period, the students in both groups were asked to write a story containing the values they learned. The first three successful students were rewarded. The data were assessed by making document analysis. Students’ skills to apply story-writing rules correctly and express the values they learn as well as their skills to understand and interpret correctly were examined here. As a result of the study, it was observed that the students who were given the values education wrote more successful stories than the other group.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1047
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