The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between teachers' beliefs toward learning and beliefs toward standard tests. During the study, correlational survey research model, one of the research models, is adopted. As data collection tool; "Belief Scale Towards Learning" and "Beliefs About Standardized Tests Scale" is used. Data is collected from 659 different branches of teachers, 306 female and 353 male. For analyzing the data; descriptive statistical analyzing methods and correlation-regression analysis are used. According to the findings, it is determined that teachers’ beliefs towards constructivist learning are higher than the beliefs towards traditional learning. Secondly, it’s determined that there is a positive and significant relationship between beliefs towards traditional learning and beliefs towards standard tests. Furthermore, it’s found that there is negative and significant relationship between beliefs towards standard tests and beliefs towards constructivist learning. Finally, it’s determined that the beliefs toward traditional and constructivist learning are significant predictor of beliefs toward standard tests.
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