Higher education institutes are known that they are one of the most important institutions in reaching out new information, accumulating new ideas and sharing them with the society. Especially approach to innovation by individuals who are manager at universities and their attitudes has an important key role in developing and reaching to the quality. In this context, the purpose is to examine the innovation sufficiency of managers who work in physical education and sports institutions in terms of academicians. The research groups consist of voluntarily attended 369 academicians and from them 6 are private and 20 of them are academicians at state universities at physical education and sports sciences faculties. For the acquirement of the datum related to innovation sufficiency the Innovation Sufficiency Scale, developed by Eraslan (2014) was used. In the analysis of the gathered datum, the SPSS package program was used. For reaching out the percentage, frequency distribution and the differentiation between groups the Mann Whitney-U and Kruskal Wallis Test were applied. In the examination of the sufficiency of academicians that attended to the study there were differences coincided between groups depending on their genders, working structure of their institutions, service years and their seniorities. However depending on the departments there were no meaningful difference found in the groups. But, when private and public sector academicians are considered the innovation sufficiency of ones, who come from another institutions or different departments, it was found at the high level when it is compared to first ones. As a result, it can be said that this can provide important conceptual support to managers and researchers who work in this field.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1078
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