This study tries to achieve two major purposes, the development and experiment. The development within this study aims at developing learning instrument. In addition, this study also aims at discovering the influence of learning instrument developed on the students’ communication skill, discovering the collaboration skill of students, revealing the effect of learning instrument on the metacognition ability of students, revealing the effect of learning instrument on the Fabrication conceptual understanding of students. This study employed Four D Model and the experiment design was used quasi-experiment with non-equivalent control group design. The data analysis data of this study employed descriptive analysis and covariant analysis or Anakova. The findings of this study reveal that the learning instrument developed based on scientific approach is effective to enhance the communication skill, collaboration skill, metacognition ability, and fabrication conceptual understanding of the Mechanical Engineering Vocational Program Students of UNESA Surabaya. Considering that communication skill, collaboration skill, metacognition ability are imperative in recent days, therefore it is suggested to utilize this learning instrument during Fabrication Practice Learning as well as evaluating the instrument to generate an improved instrument.
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