Introduction and aim: In sports, self-confidence can be characterized by high-grade achievement expectation. In this context, the aim is to determine whether is any difference between the self-confidence levels of middle school students who do individual sports and those who are engaged in team sports. Age groups and gender as well as differences in self-esteem levels are also analyzed.
Method: The study group consisted of 96 students who were engaged in individual and team sports in 5 secondary schools in Istanbul. "Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory", developed by Coopersmith (1967), was used in order to determine self-esteem levels and the personal information form was prepared to collect participants' age, gender and sport type data. First, the Shapiro Wilk test was performed to test the distribution of the data and it was found that the data provided a normal distribution. Independent sample t-test was conducted to determine whether self-esteem levels differed significantly in terms of gender and age variables.
Findings: At the end of the study, the findings obtained from the data analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the self-confidence levels of the secondary school students compared to the sports types (p> 0,05). In the data obtained from other variables, it was determined that the level of self-esteem did not show any significant difference according to age and sex (p> 0,05).
Discussion: There was no significant difference between the presented study and the mean scores of confidence, age, sport type and gender (p> 0,05). It can be said that no definite decision has been reached on whether this self-confidence is influential or not according to the results of this sample and the results of the researches made. It is advisable to add lessons such as communication skills, human relations in order to improve curriculum self- confidence building levels in schools.
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