The study determined the effects of cooperative, competitive and individualistic classroom interaction patterns on the performance of secondary school students in Physics. It also examined the moderating effect of gender on dependent measure. The study adopted the pretest, posttest, control group quasi experimental design. The sample consisted of 214 senior secondary school I students (104 males and 110 females) from four intact classes randomly selected in two local government areas of Ogun State using the cluster sampling technique. The classes were randomly assigned to one control group and three experimental groups. The experimental groups were Cooperative Interaction Pattern (COIP), Competitive Interaction Pattern (CMIP), and Individualistic Interaction Pattern (IDIP) while the Conventional Method of Teaching (CVMT) served as the control group. The instrument titled “Physics Achievement Test (PAT)” was used to collect data for the study. Data collected were analysed using t-test and F-statistics. The results showed that the academic performance of secondary school students in Physics was significantly influenced by each of the classroom interaction patterns of Cooperative (t= 23.04, p< 0.05); Competitive (t= 18.18, p< 0.05) and Individualistic (t= 16.10, p< 0.05). The results also showed that there was no significant difference between the performance of male and female students taught using each of the interaction patterns of Cooperative (t= -0.531, p>0.05); Competitive (t= -0.278, p>0.05), and Individualistic (t=0.523, p>0.05). The results further showed that there was significant effect of COIP (t=6.77, p<0.05) and IDIP (4.02, p<0.05) on students’ retention ability but there was no significant effect of CMIP (t=0.98, p>0.05) and CVMT (t=1.23, p>0.05) on the retention ability of the students. The study concluded that the cooperative classroom interaction pattern should be used in Physics classroom as it could improve students’ learning in Physics.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1147
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Copyright (c) 2018 David Onasanya Olugbenga, Ezekiel Ojo Oloyede, Bamidele Emmanuel Folorunso

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