Citizenship represents a highly appreciated identity for any individual living permanently in specific environment. It gives her/him when optimally equipped, a peace of mind, a sense of belonging, cross cultural communication, daily life stability, and hope for a promising future. However, what observed in reality is a mixed of distorting aggravating conditions that negate most learned civic beliefs, conducts, and values. Hence, citizenship education is seen ineffective since was incapable to instill in students by means of meaningful programs and methodology the significant knowledge, skills and professional will to counteract individually and in small groups emergent violence, destructive outlaws and barbaric attitudes. Consequently, the main concerns of this article are presenting two research tasks, first: a Multiphasic Citizenship Blended Acculturation Program that incorporates the contemporary Info-Communication Global Age with, 1: A Taxonomy of Social Civic behaviors and values, 2: Trio Types of Citizenship Acculturation: national, Regional and Global citizens, 3: Digital ICTs and 3Rs' skills conducive to citizenship acculturation, and 4: A Model for Individual Human/Civic Rights. And second: A nondirective learning-teaching Methodology of Citizenship Acculturation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1149
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