The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of drug use on student interest in learning and identify counselling interventions that can be used when dealing with drug use among secondary school students in Matinyani district. Descriptive survey was used in this study. Fourteen public secondary schools were involved with population of 1701 students. Purposive sampling was used in the sample selection to select 5 schools which included a girls’ boarding, a boys’ boarding school, a mixed day school, a mixed boarding school and a mixed day and a boarding school. A sample size of 269 was used. The data was collected by use of a Core Alcohol and Drug Survey Questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the study instrument was established through a pilot study. A correlation coefficient alpha of 0.7408 was obtained. According to, Fraenkel and Wallen (2002) a reliability co efficient of 0.7 or more implies high degree of reliability. Data was analysed by use of descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The descriptive analysis, percentages, tables, bar graphs and charts were used in presenting and summarizing the findings. The study established that drug use lead to increased lack interest in learning among students. The study further established that it is the responsibility of all members of society to fight drug use in our country. This is so because when students use drugs, the effects are felt all over. The study recommends that; teacher counselors should adopt group counseling and peer counseling techniques in assisting adolescents overcome the problem of drug use; schools should have active and working guidance and counseling departments with well trained personnel to handle drug related case; school administrators should discourage transfers/admissions of indiscipline students from one school to another; among other recommendations.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Muusya Jackline Kavutha, Jonathan Muema Mwania

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