Radicalisation which leads to violent extremism has been a worrisome phenomenon which has assumed global dimension and has engaged the attention and concern of governments, civil society, security agencies and institutions. The violent aspect of radicalisation has greatly decimated populations, maimed innocent citizens and destroyed unqualified number of property. This negatively affects the social-economic and political development of affected nations. Religion which occupies a central position in human life becomes a medium of propagating this socio-political conflict into a moral one. This research surmises that the misuse of Religion is executed by those whose motivations and aims have a predominant religious influence is rooted in the misinterpretation of theological epithets, or it could be the result of extreme forms of delusion that may alter reality, and thus subject an individual or a group of people to distorted versions of religious facts and episodes. The research uses Kant’s philosophy of categorical imperative as its theoretical framework. The theory states that we should always treat people as an end rather than means to an end. The research reveals that the focus on training of highly skilled labour at the expense of instilling values in learners makes it possible for radical elements to target them and use them as means for their political end. Religion that is also supposed to play a vital role in society is also being used as a means to an end rather than an end itself. The research recommends pedagogical reorientation so as learners as exposed to all forms of religion, by doing this they will appreciate others who have divergent religious views thus value their dignity.
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