The degree of an individual patriotism is expected to influence his social duty performance and responsibility. So, it is a requirement to determine the factors effective on patriotism. So 555 students (F=307 n, M=248 n; M= 21 yrs) from Atatürk University participated in this study. Patriotism Attitude Scale (PAS) developed by Yazıcı (2010) was used to obtain the data. Data was analysed by In-depended T test and one way ANOVA at P=0.05 level. The results showed that there is a significantly difference between gender, family structure and performance level of sportive activities and the degree of patriotism attitude. There was not significantly difference between age and patriotism. The means of constructive patriotism (CP), subscale of PAS, among sport performing students are higher than sedentary subjects. Performance of sport activities has favourable effects on patriotism level. Sport activities have positive effects on the physical, social and cognitive development of students.
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