This study has been aimed to propose a conceptual framework that helps researchers examine mathematics teachers’ PCK in the context of supporting students’ mathematical thinking. “Advancing Children’s Thinking Framework” which is a pedagogical model developed by Fraivillig, Murphy and Fuson (1999) that supports the development of students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics has been adopted as the theoretical foundation. Pedagogical content knowledge (knowledge of students’ thinking and knowledge of instructional strategies and representations) has been examined in the context of supporting mathematical thinking and has been interconnected to Advancing Children’s Thinking Framework. Then, a new framework has been obtained. Instructional examples included within the framework suggested as a result of the interconnection have become the indicators regarding PCK of mathematics teachers in the context of supporting mathematical thinking. Some examples from a performed research where this framework has been used as an analytical framework have been presented. As a conclusion, it can be said that the suggested framework may be a useful tool for the researchers and teacher educators who are dealing with teachers’ knowledge focusing on students’ mathematical thinking and a guide for the teachers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.250
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