It is a fact that one can only give what he or she has. This is applicable at our various levels of teaching and learning processes. It is more of the reason this paper focuses on influence of Primary Educators’ area of specialization on the implementation of changed minimum standard in Nigerian Colleges of Education. It focuses on issues which influence (PED) educators implementing curriculum changes. In this paper two objectives were formulated which include: to examine the influence of PED educators area of specialization on the implementation of changed minimum standards in Nigeria Colleges of Education and to determine the extent to which changes in mode of teaching influence PED educators job performance in Nigeria Colleges of Education. The paper was guided by two research question sand two null hypotheses were tested which are: what is the influence PED educators’ area of specialization on the implementation of changed minimum standards in Nigeria Colleges of Education? And to what extent has changes in mode of teaching influenced PED educators job performance in Nigerian Colleges of Education? This paper adopted ex-post facto research design with target population of seventy-seven thousand, three hundred and eighty six (77,386). A sample of 643 PED educators and PES students were selected for the study from the total of thirteen colleges which is made up of four federal and nine state Colleges of Education. The data for this study were analyzed using simple percentages while the hypotheses were tested using chi-square at 0.05 level of significance for acceptance or rejection. Finding from the study revealed that the area of specialization of PED educators have significance influence on the implementation of the changed PED minimum standard in Nigeria Colleges of Education. The paper therefore, based on the finding recommended that preference should always be given to educators with specialization in PED during recruitment and assignment of PED course for teaching. The paper also recommended that there should be continuous teaching orientation through seminars and workshops especially when changes in mode of teaching are required due to dynamism in knowledge.
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