Unlike other stages of human development, early childhood is the critical stage that forms the foundation for children’s’ future wellbeing and learning ((UNICEF, 2001). Early Childhood Education helps a learner to develop skills, knowledge, personal competence and confidence and a sense of social responsibility. Information Communication and Technology in Early Childhood Education is significant as it supports and strengthens early childhood education practice. The present study is interested in assessing the integration of ICT particularly educational Compact Disc ROM as modern tool in Education. The study bases on the potentials brought by Educational Compact Disc. The researcher went through different literature on the potentials by linking them with the Constructive approach of learning. In the study it was found that the application of CD–ROMs was used more in language development, development of literacy skills as well as in the expansion of language vocabularies. However, changes in education were also seen that is from traditional mode of teaching into new model of teaching which is mostly supported by the Constructivism theory of learning. Thus, Educational CD-ROM as multimedia technologies is potential in creating high quality learning environments in early childhood education.
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