This study explored the impact of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) on students’ social interaction at Northeast Normal University in China. The study was guided by three research questions; what are the levels of SNS time use and social connectedness in terms of gender?, what are the differences of university students SNS time use and social connectedness and what is the relationship between SNS time use and social connectedness. It involved a total sample of 79 students from various faculties and majors who were randomly selected. Data was collected by using a questionnaire which had two scales; SNSs time use scale and social connectedness scale. Findings revealed that there are significant differences on number of years one has engaged himself with SNSs, number of friends that one has and amount of hours that one spends using SNSs with SNSs time use scale. There is also significant difference on number of SNSs applications that one has with social connectedness. The study also revealed a positive correlation between SNSs time use and social connectedness. No significant differences were found among gender, age and faculty with social connectedness. It was recommended that further research should be conducted on the same using more variables and a wider dimension.
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