Maged Almadi


School-based professional development is an appropriate way of tailoring professional development both to the needs of the individual teacher and of the school. Lesson Study (LS) is one of the models of school-based professional development. It is a professional learning method that is based on collaboration amongst teachers, in order to improve their professional development and students’ outcomes. The Saudi Ministry of Education, since 2015, started a pilot project that utilized LS in certain Saudi schools in different regions to meet professional learning needs. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of LS as a model adopted for the professional development of Primary Schools teachers in four selected elementary schools in the Riyadh region in Saudi Arabia. The study is based on a quantitative research method using an online survey and are analysed using SPSS.

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lesson study, school-based professional development, teacher learning, Saudi Arabia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i12.3391


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