The present research is a descriptive study, conducted in order to define the effects of microteaching practices on pre-service physical education and sports teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession. The research was conducted on 60 individuals, who studied at Gaziantep University, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and took Special Teaching Methods II course in 2015-2016 academic year. In order to collect data for the present research, “Attitude Scale towards the Profession of Teaching” developed by Üstüner (2006) was employed. For data collection, a 13-week microteaching practice was implemented on pre-service physical education and sports teachers. Data collection tool was implemented on the work group twice, before and after the implementation. Collected data were analysed on SPSS 22.0 program. Paired-Samples t test was utilized as the statistical method. According to the obtained findings, pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession are high (positive), and microteaching practice affected pre-service physical education and sports teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession positively.
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