Hikmet Doğrul, Figen Kılıç


The purpose of this study is to examine opinions, expectations and metaphorical perceptions of parents about preschool education. In the research, cross-sectional design, one of the survey model types, was used. The sample of the study consists of 1080 parents, 873 of whom are females and 207 of them are males, whose students are living in the central districts of Mersin. The data of the research were collected by using Personal Information Form, Opinion and Expectation Determination Survey for Preschool Education, Open-ended Questions Form, Metaphoric Perception Determination Form. While the analysis of quantitative data was done with frequency and percentage calculations, content analysis was made for qualitative data. According to the results of the research, the parents stated that the education received in the preschool period will positively affect the future education of the children and they stated the necessity of providing training for foreign language education, art education in preschool education. Besides, it was determined that the parents send their children to preschool education institutions for general development. It was seen that the parents take into account such criteria as teacher efficiency, providing family attendance and the quality of physical conditions in an effective preschool education. It was determined that the priority of the parents was the gaining of social skills in preschool education. It was determined that the metaphorical senses of the parents focus on such words as sapling, the basement of the house, untreated dough, preparation for life about preschool education.

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preschool education, opinions of parents, expectations of parents, metaphorical senses of parents

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