Fayyaz Qureshi, Sarwar Khawaja, Tayyaba Zia


The online teaching accelerated at an unprecedented pace in the wake of the physical closure of educational institutions in the United Kingdom on 23 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis. This study is based on a survey of mature undergraduate students in private higher education institutes in the South of England and their experience with online teaching during the COVID-19. The questionnaire was sent out to mature undergraduate students studying in three private higher education institutes, and we received 225 responses. A quantitative approach was used to analyse the results. Majority of students 95% were using online teaching for the first time, and they were novice with the online teaching software (Zoom and Microsoft Teams, etc.). They were provided with training for online teaching, especially how to use the software, and they were satisfied with the training. The study also identified challenges students faced during the online teaching such as weak Internet connection, old devices (computer and laptop etc.) low level of digital competency especially among older students, lack of technical support from the institute and stressful transition period. The final findings from the study indicated that the quick decision of switching to online teaching was right, and the majority of students found online teaching excited. Consequently, the majority of students wanted to continue online teaching after the COVID-19 because it provides ease and convenience, no travelling time & cost, freedom and autonomy. The online teaching training for students could be made more effective, and private higher education institutions could also address challenges such as weak Internet connection and old devices (computer, laptop, etc.).

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COVID-19, mature undergraduate students, online teaching, student satisfaction and private higher education institutions

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