Ferdinandus Samri, Josep Marsianus Rewo, Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana


It has been identified that the learning resources used in primary education are major concerns that need to be prepared. In accordance with its characteristics, critical thinking skills become the major focus in instructional process in 21st century. The ability to think critically is considered as one of conceptual mastery learning. Therefore, learning resources need to be prepared comprehensively in order to make it applicable for learners. Indonesian 2013 curriculum states that learning in schools must emphasize on the learning experience that are in accordance with the interests and aptitudes of the learners. Considering that the characteristics of students in each region in Indonesia are different from one another, it is necessary to identify elements of local culture (local wisdom) for students’ learning resources. In addition, it is necessary to analyze these local cultural elements and integrate them into the teaching materials used in learning activities. In this study, the learning materials developed are electronic teaching materials. This is due to electronic teaching materials enables the researchers to insert sound elements and dynamic images into the materials. The objectives of this study are 1) to produce electronic teaching materials with multimedia content by integrating local culture for thematic instructions in elementary schools, and 2) to describe the quality of the product from field test results and development of electronic teaching materials with multimedia content for thematic instructions in elementary schools. Electronic teaching materials with multimedia content are developed using the ADDIE model. This model consists of five steps, namely: (1) analyze, (2) design, (3) develop, (4) implement, and (5) evaluate. The data collected in this study are analyzed descriptive qualitatively. Meanwhile, the data on the effectiveness of the use of the textbook utilizes nonparametric statistical analysis of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Related-Samples. The textbook developed is on the theme 1 about The Beauty of Togetherness and Theme 3 about Caring for Living Things for Grade IV of primary school students. The content feasibility test is carried out by the judgement from content expert, multimedia expert, and instructional design expert. All three assessments result in the very good category. After the local culture based electronic textbook is applicable to be used, this textbook is experimented to determine the effectiveness of its use. Descriptively, it can be obtained that the mean score of students’ conceptual mastery from initial test, week 1, and week 2 are 61.48, 69.63, and 77.78. The results of the nonparametric statistical Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test on the test results before treatment (pretest) with the results of the conceptual mastery test a week after using the electronic textbooks, it can be seen that there are significant differences in conceptual mastery of the fourth graders before and after a week of learning using local culture based electronic textbook media.

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electronic teaching materials, multimedia instructions, thematic instructions, conceptual mastery

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i12.3474


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