Ratno Susanto, Endang Sri Lestari


The use of tennis court teaching materials with an anchored instruction model based on a flipbook is an interesting innovation for students, especially for indoor learning such as tennis court courses. This flipbook-based learning with the anchored instruction model includes material, practice questions, and answers which are packaged in a flipbook form. This study aims to empower critical thinking skills in PJKR students on the tennis court course. This study used a quasi-experimental method with the provision of pre and post-tests to the control class and the experimental class, respectively, 30 students. In the experimental class stage, tennis court teaching materials were used with the flipbook-based anchored instruction model, and the control class used conventional learning. The learning outcome data were analyzed using ANCOVA. The results showed that the tennis court teaching materials with the flipbook-based anchored instruction model were able to empower the critical thinking skills of PJKR students in the tennis court course.

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tennis teaching materials, flipbook, critical thinking skills

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