Hasan Toufiq Imam, Nadia Binte Kabir


COVID-19, the deadly and infectious virus, is a devastating blow for the world. Every single person in the world today has been impaired by Coronavirus in a variety of ways. The educational system across the globe has thundered this new phenomenon. Many institutions have moved their programs from offline to online mode. This pandemic left no other option for the academy but to adopt a new method of pedagogy. Smartphones would be a better way to promote online education. Smartphone users have been rising excessively in Asia in recent years. The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the learners' perception in Asian countries concerning the effectiveness of smartphone on EFL reading. This research is a systematic analysis of a qualitative nature. Altogether, 39 studies were selected on the learning perception of the smartphone for EFL reading. The studies included the following countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. These nine countries have been chosen from countries in Asia whose official language is different from English. The findings indicate that the reading habit of Asian EFL learners is less and is slowly decreasing, as conventional classrooms may not fulfill learners' needs at times, as printed books are not fun. Using a smartphone for an EFL-reading can be a better choice because the smartphone is accessible and affordable. Leaners spend a significant amount of time on smartphones, especially on social networking sites. Learners use smartphone apps to read vocabulary. The learners stress that smartphones help you find out what to learn and, most importantly, how to learn. Learners accept that using smartphones to learn English enhances their critical thinking, innovative thinking, questionability, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork to some degree. Specifically, the use of smartphone guides them to a lifelong learner who is self-reliant. The common problem with smartphones is interrupted Wi-Fi connectivity. Using a smartphone can contribute to several health issues. The learners' critical issue is the irritation of the eyes caused by the brightness of the screen. Some apps have a few pedagogical elements for reading. Nevertheless, learners agree that a smartphone cannot substitute a good teacher. They need guidance from teachers to decide what to learn and how to learn. Overall, reading smartphones in English has a positive effect in Asia.

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EFL, smartphone, blended learning, COVID-19

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i12.3484


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