The aims of Village Institutes were to create modern Turkey and start development from the villages by presenting civilization and revolutions to Turkish villagers and to supply primary education in the villages at 100% percent. In 17 April 1940, “Village Institutes” were founded by Ministry of National Education Hasan Ali Yücel and his General Director of Primary Education İsmail Hakkı Tonguç. The most important principles of them were; education in work, education with work, education for work. The Village Institutes’ system allowed the students to participate actively into education with their own actions leading to educated, critical thinking and creative individuals being capable of using their rights in the right manner; moreover, leading the formation of a creative society. In this article, similar and common dimensions of the group works applied in the Village Institutes and Cooperative Learning have been presented. Also, being aware of this educational system in Turkey in the past is tried to be provided. As a result, the value of The Village Institutes’ system should be regiven to humanity by using its positive aspects in today’s education systems.
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