To develop and promote the evaluation model on desirable attributions of student morals according to the promoting act for non-formal education and informal education systems were the main purposes, to assess the morals of the desirable characteristics to non-formal education and informal education centers with the research and development (R&D) process were assessed. The research administrations were designed in four phases that composed of the corresponding evaluation of morals or the morals of the desirable characteristics and attributions of learners were investigated with the synthesis of documents and interviews with those involved to evaluate the morals of the desirable attributions, which sample consisted of 9 students. To create evaluating form on the desirable moral aspects of learning for non-formal education and informal educational systems’ data from the first phase for drafting format and letting determined from the experts to check with the suitability and feasibility techniques that based on the meeting with expert connoisseurship. Then, to trial evaluation model by assessing the desirable characteristics of a moral centers to non-formal education and informal education with a sample of 166 students in three groups from Roi-Et, Kalasin, Maha Sarakham provinces. Finally, to evaluate the evaluation model by assessor's teacher evaluating model was assessed. It has found that: the components of the evaluation model on desirable attributions of student morals consisted of six components, such as; principle and rationale, three moral behavior indicating purposes of component evaluation, evaluating methods, the evaluators, and evaluating criteria. The creating the model results were found that; this evaluation model consisted of 9 elements and 40 indicators of students’ behavior groups in each semester with the percentage and quality ratings, the IOC valued indicated of 0.92, responsively. Overall, on evaluation desirable moral of the students in three groups that ranged from 2.11 to 2.40 on the rating weight, ranged from 87.03 to 88.06 on percentage, respectively. Suggestions that the evaluation model is provided and developed of suitable, helpful, correct, and helpful to reality for students’ abilities to be applied and promoted in real life situations of their morals to their desirable attributions, exactly.
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