The aims of this research study were to develop a Learning Management Evaluation Model (LMEM) for assessing learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students with the Research & Development processing technique. The administrating research consisted of four phases that composed of to analyze, the synthetic indicator to assess learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students by the 4-educational experts were interviewed was the first phase. The second phase was developed a LMEM model for assessing learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students by the information from the first draft format and the educational experts to check a suitability and feasibility of the draft assessment form with a technical symposium multipath characteristics to find consensus dimensional (Multi-Attribute Consensus Reaching: MACR) by 12 specialists who provided the instruction in the form of Assessment and Evaluation Guide (AEG) was brought to five the number of professionals who ensure the proper coverage, a clear assessment of the manual before using the AEG. The third phase was trial LMEM model that this model to trial at an experiment with different schools in the Secondary Educational Office Area 26 (Maha Sarakham) whereas taught at the upper secondary educational school level with the sample consisted of 7 schools with the purposive sampling was selected. Assessing the LMEM model for developing this research instrument used to evaluate the LMEM model based on the evaluation criteria of the evaluation criteria of educational development. The assessor was related to the trial consisted of 35 evaluators. Using the interview form with the rubric score and a five rating scale level was selected, the qualitative and quantitative data were used, the foundational statistics included with the mean average and standard deviation were analyzed. It has found that: The LMEM evaluation model of learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational school was a chart structure that ties together of 6 relevant components of the evaluationว such as; the purpose of the assessment, the evaluation focused assessment methods, the evaluator, the evaluation technique, and the evaluation criteria. The evaluation targets were to assess the management of learning, the factors contributing to learning, feature teacher management learning, and the learning outcomes. Evaluating methods included with the evaluation process, the tool used to evaluate, and duration to assess. The evaluation and absolution criteria were developed by experts. Assessing the LMEM model of learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students were appropriability. Students’ responses of their opportuneness, practicability, reasonableness, and respectability in terms of overall benefit at a high level are provided.
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