In this research the authors aimed at determining the TPACK self-efficacy for pre-service science teachers on material development, the relational screening model was used. The research was carried out with a total of 141 pre-service science teachers from Kahramanmaraş Sütcü Imam University in 2016-2017 fall academic years. The data were collected by using the "Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) self-efficacy scale for pre-service science teachers on material development" developed by Balçın and Ergün (2016). Independent-t test, one way variance analysis (Anova) and Tukey analysis were used in the statistical evaluation of the obtained data. Also, data are evaluated on 0.05 level relevance and its percentage, frequency, average and standard deviation levels are calculated. According to the findings obtained in the research, it was determined that the variables of grade level and teaching technologies and material development courses were influenced by TPACK self-efficacy for pre-service science teachers on material development (p<0.05). However, it was determined that gender, level of academic achievement and intensity of technology use did not affect the TPACK self-efficacy for pre-service science teachers on material development.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.527
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