Fabrício Bruno Cardoso, Filipe M. Bonone, Vitor da Silva Loureiro, Alfred Sholl-Franco


Working memory plays a pivotal role in cognitive functioning, serving as a dynamic interface for processing and integrating information across various domains. It is crucial for executing complex tasks such as reading comprehension, mathematical problem-solving, and logical reasoning. This study investigates the relationship between working memory and motor skills, inhibitory control, and language abilities in elementary school students, highlighting the role of specific assessment instruments in this analysis. The research involved 1107 students, aged 7 to 10 years, from public schools in Joinville, Brazil. Working memory was evaluated using the Neuropsychopedagogical Screening Scale for Working Memory (NSSWM), which comprises 23 items that assess the temporary storage and processing of information needed for tasks such as language comprehension, arithmetic, and problem-solving. Motor skills were assessed using the Neuropsychopedagogical Screening for Children's Motor Development, a 7-item scale focusing on motor coordination, fine motor control, and organizational skills during school activities. Inhibitory control was measured with the Child Inhibitory Control Screening Scale (CICS), which includes 18 scenarios that evaluate inhibitory responses, planning, and impulsivity. Phonological skills were assessed using the Screening Scale for Phonological Skills (SSPS), which measures the ability to recognize formal language characteristics through 17 items. Lastly, reading and writing skills were evaluated using the Children's Reading and Writing Screening Scale (CRWSS), a 16-item scale designed to identify potential difficulties in acquiring these skills in a school setting. The results revealed significant correlations between working memory and other cognitive domains, with motor skills exhibiting the strongest association (r=0.916, p=0.012). Additionally, inhibitory control (r=0.732, p=0.028) and phonological awareness (r=0.815, p=0.034) showed strong correlations with working memory, indicating that students with better-developed skills in these areas tend to perform better in working memory tasks, which, in turn, positively impacts their academic performance. The study underscores the importance of early neuropsychopedagogical interventions that address both cognitive and motor development. By employing specific, targeted assessment instruments, educators and mental health professionals can better identify students at risk of academic difficulties and implement effective strategies to enhance their cognitive and behavioral development, ultimately fostering a more supportive and inclusive learning environment.


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children; working memory; motor skills; inhibitory control; language skills

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