Erasto George Arende, John M. Onyango Yambo, Eliud Nyakundi


This study dealt with staff motivation in the provision of quality education in primary schools in Bunda District, Tanzania. Despite the efforts by the government, NGOs, parents and other stakeholders in promoting quality education, the quality of education in Bunda primary schools, in particular, is still a challenge. It employed a descriptive survey research design. The target population was 109 primary schools, 1290 teachers, 2450 parents and 1 district education officer. The researcher used 30% to get a sample size of 28 out of 109 head teachers. The researcher also considered using Saunders, Philip, and Adrian's (2003) table to get a representative sample of 278 teachers from the population of 1290 and 370 parents from 24650, respectively. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interview schedules. Validity was established by giving the instruments to the experts in the Department of Education Administration Planning and Economics of Kisii University to ascertain. The reliability was ascertained by a pilot study conducted in the same district among the head teachers who were not included in the final study population. From the schools where the five head teachers were stationed 10 teachers were randomly selected for the pilot study, and 13 parents were also randomly selected. Split-Half technique was employed for the test. Pilot questionnaires were divided into two equivalent halves, and their correlation coefficient for the two halves was computed using the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula, describing the internal consistency of the test and then showing that the instrument was reliable. A correlation coefficient of 0.70 was obtained and recommended as reliable. The findings revealed that 16 (57.1 %) of headteachers reported that pupils are motivated by the provision of certificates whenever they do anything exemplary, while 12 (49.9 %) indicated that they are motivated by providing them with special meals. The study concluded that motivation was done by rewarding performing head teachers and staff in various ways. The study recommended that motivation by rewarding performing head teachers, staff and pupils be encouraged in various ways. The researcher sought permission from the National Council for Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) through Kisii University as required. The researcher equally got permission from the Bunda District Education Officer. The respondents were assured of strict confidentiality. The researcher acknowledged all sources referred to so as to avoid plagiarism.


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staff, motivation, provision, quality, education, schools, Tanzania

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