Cherubim S. Gilbang, Zarah Jane P. Manila, Laura L. Quiachon, Alex Nino L. Roble, Cruza D. Sablas, Edroslyn J. Fernandez


This study explores the experiences of Filipino teachers working in higher education institutions within Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, focusing on the challenges they encounter and the teaching strategies they apply. In-depth interviews were done by researchers using qualitative methodologies. Criterion sampling is used to choose the participants for this study. The criteria are as follows: teachers should be teaching in a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country; (2) they should have rendered at least 9-11 years of teaching experience to capture a wide range of perspectives in higher educational institutions in the GCC countries; and (3) Participants should be from the undergraduate programme. The researchers interviewed five participants from higher education institutions in one of the GCC countries for IDI, all of whom fell within Creswell's recommended ranges. The collected data was subjected to a thematic analysis while ethical guidelines were followed. The study results highlight that Filipino teachers in GCC higher education institutions face challenges and opportunities in adapting to the teaching and learning process. This includes the utilization of the spoon-feeding method, the direct teaching approach, and the application of the Socratic method. Teachers also reported dealing with minimal student engagement, having difficulty managing students, being passive students, having poor attendance, and having a language barrier. The study underscores the importance of tailored support systems to enhance the integration and effectiveness of foreign educators in GCC higher education. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of the global mobility of educators and the evolving landscape of higher education in the GCC region.


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GCC educational system, overseas Filipino teachers, teaching and learning, challenges, student engagement

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i11.5626


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Copyright (c) 2024 Cherubim S. Gilbang, Zarah Jane P. Manila, Laura L. Quiachon, Alex Nino L. Roble, Cruza D. Sablas, Edroslyn J. Fernandez

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