Theodora Kavoura


This study investigates the impact of multimedia projects within a STEAM education framework, utilizing the World Café methodology to enhance student expression and foster collaboration. Over the course of three months, students engaged in meaningful discussions and created multimedia artifacts that reflect contemporary social issues, significantly enhancing their communication skills. The findings reveal high levels of student participation, with many expressing enthusiasm for the collaborative process and appreciating the opportunity to work with peers from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, there was a notable improvement in students' collaborative abilities and problem-solving skills. The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating multimedia tools into educational settings, suggesting that they not only facilitate critical thinking and creativity but also allow students to tackle real-world problems effectively. By addressing relevant societal themes, the multimedia projects enriched the overall learning experience, providing students with valuable opportunities for personal growth and engagement in meaningful discourse.


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World Café, collaboration, student expression, critical thinking, STEAM education

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