Vanessa Kuété Mouafo, Henri Rodrigue Njengoué Ngamaleu


This article focuses on exploring the causes of the exponential rise of violence in public secondary schools in Cameroon on one hand, and, proposing elements of a managerial perspective on the other hand by examining two specific cases, namely, the Government High School of Nkolbisson (LYNKOL) and the Government Bilingual High School Etoug-Ebe (GBHSE). Essentially, qualitative research was carried out with administrative and security staff, students and teachers of LYNKOL and GBHSE (Yaounde-Cameroon). Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with the administrative staff directly involved in the management of school discipline and security personnel, as well as focus group discussions with teachers and students. The results indicate that the significant increase of the physical, psychological and sexual violence in the direct/indirect and active/passive dimensions is explained by numerous factors which are linked to the student, the school, the family and the community or society. From a managerial perspective, the study suggests the need to pay particular attention to measures of preventing school violence (SV) in all its forms, taking into account actions in the school-family-community relationship (s-f-c).


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school violence, causes, LYNKOL, GBHSE, prevention

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