Mara F. Superioridad


This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the ELLN program focusing on the third phase which was the Learning Action Cells (LACs) in one of the central schools in Digos City. The qualitative research design was employed in the study using an in-depth interview guide for monitoring evaluation to 18 teachers in the selected school. Results showed that all Kinder-Grade 3 teachers attended and benefited on the ELLN training program through the LAC session. Further, findings revealed factors that lead to the effective and efficient ELLN implementation such as conducting an observation to all Kinder-Grade 3 teachers, applying approaches and strategies in class, employing explicit teaching, and indulging a program for intermediate teachers in sustaining literacy and numeracy development. It was concluded that early grade teachers strengthened their skills in teaching and assessing through training and mentoring. Finally, it was recommended that professional development component in ELLN will be improved its effective delivery if time consciousness, resource provision, and mechanism for sustainability of the LAC session will be given more attention.


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literacy, numeracy, learning action cell, continuous professional development

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